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Lucile Capuron

Laboratory of Nutrition and Integrative Neurobiology, INRAE - University of Bordeaux

Websites :
- https://nutrineuro.bordeaux-aquitaine.hub.inrae.fr
- https://www.bordeaux-neurocampus.fr/qui-sommes-nous/les-6-unites-de-recherche/nutrineuro/


The role of diet in modulating immune function and influencing mental health


Imbalanced diet and obesity have been associated with deleterious mental health outcomes. While the mechanisms underlying this relationship remain to be determined, mounting data suggest the involvement of inflammatory processes. We conducted a set of studies to assess the association of dietary habits, obesity and lipid status with neuropsychiatric vulnerability and depressive morbidity in healthy subjects and samples of patients with depression or obesity. Biological assays included the measurement of markers or inflammation and related pathways. Findings indicate that obesity and obesogenic dietary habits are associated with increased levels of peripheral inflammatory markers together with a greater risk of neuropsychiatric symptoms. Interestingly, inflammation-driven alterations in monoamine metabolism correlate with neuropsychiatric comorbidities in subjects with obesity. Finally, lipid status, notably as it relates to omega-3 fatty acids, predicts depressive symptoms and their clinical response to standard antidepressants in patients with major depressive disorder. These findings provide new insights on the pathways and mechanisms linking nutrition and mental health.


Dr. Lucile Capuron is a tenure 1st class Research Director at INRAE, Director of the laboratory of Nutrition and Integrative Neurobiology (NutriNeuro INRAE 1286–Univ Bordeaux), and head of the team Nutrition and Neuropsychiatric Symptom Dimensions, NutriPsy. She received her PhD, specialty health psychology/psychoneuroimmunology, in 1999 from the University of Bordeaux, France. Dr. Capuron was appointed Assistant Professor of Psychiatry from 2002-2005 in the Department of Psychiatry at Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA, where she still holds an adjunct faculty position. Her main research activity focuses on understanding the relationships between inflammation and neuropsychiatric symptoms in clinical/human settings and their modulation by nutritional and metabolic factors. She has an internationally recognized experience in the investigation of the central/mood effects of inflammatory factors in medically ill patients and the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying these effects. Dr. Capuron has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications in the fields of psychoneuroimmunology, psychiatry, neuroscience, and metabolism/nutrition. She is Associate Editor of Brain, Behavior & Immunity–Health; and Frontiers in Neuropharmacology, and serves on the Editorial Board of Brain, Behavior and Immunity. Dr. Capuron was awarded the Marcel Dassault Prize for Research in Mental Disorders 2018, and the Scientific Innovation Award of the “Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux” in 2019.