Sponsor this event
Benefit from visibility among our attendants and Bordeaux Neurocampus community
Pack 1 - « simple support » - 500 € (net of taxes)
. Company logo on the final poster, meeting website, some social media advertising, meeting presentation slides and abstract book
Les contributions financières de 500€ ou plus sans contrepartie (ni entrée, ni stand) sont considérées comme du mécénat. Cela ouvre droit à une déduction fiscale.
Pack 2 - « 3 registrations » - 1 500 € (excl. taxes)
. Company logo on the final poster, meeting website, some social media advertising, meeting presentation slides
and abstract book
. 3 registrations + lunch and “wine and cheese”
Pack 3 - « Booth + 2 registrations » - 1 500 € (excl. taxes)
> Benefit from visibility among our 150 attendants and all the neuroscience community of Bordeaux!
(For 5 sponsors max)
. Company logo on the final poster, meeting website, some social media advertising and
meeting presentation slides.
. 1 booth (2.20m x 1.5m)
. 2 registrations + lunch and “wine and cheese”
Pack 4 - The privilege pack! - 2 500 € (excl. taxes)
Support the gala dinner ! (For one sponsor only)
. Company logo on the final poster, meeting website, some social media advertising and
meeting presentation slides
. 1 commercial talk (10 minutes) during the gala dinner and your logo displayed on the tables
. 2 registrations + lunch and “wine and cheese”
. 2 registrations for the gala dinner
- Supplementary registration for the conference : + 360 € (early bird)
- 1 commercial talk (5 minutes) during the conference : + 500 €
- Gala dinner registration: 100 €
Any questions about sponsorship?
Please contact a member of the committee or write to brainconf@u-bordeaux.fr