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Tentative speakers line up

Zachary A. Knight (USA)
Michael Brecht (DE)
Ann Clemens (UK)
Ana Domingos (UK)
Ivan E. de Araujo (DE)
Gerard Eberl (FR)
Amaury François (FR)
Giuseppe Gangarossa (FR)
Christelle Glangetas (FR)
Nadine Gogolla (DE)
Ali Jawaid (PL)
Yoav Livneh (IL)
Arianna Maffei (USA)
Claire Martin (FR)
Enrica Montalban (FR)
Francesco Papaleo (IT)
Thomas Pradeu (FR)
Asya Rolls (IL)
Lisa Roux (FR)
Dana Small (USA)
Catherine Tallon-Baudry (FR)